Newnewer2004-07-21 18:47:37
I don't have a birth certificate for the I-485 application. So I am going to present the cover page of my passport as a secondary evidence. I have some questions:

1. Do I need to write a statement to demonstrate why the birth certificate is not available? (According CIS, the statement should be from the relevant goverment. Or for birth certificate, it is not necessary?)

2. Since all the important info on the passport are in both Chinese and English, do I still need to translate it?

3. Do you know anybody did it in this way and got approved?

4. What kind of wording would be appropriate for this purpose? Is it necessary to include the info of my parents? On a seperate page or on the same page with the copy of the passport?

5. Would it be a good idea if I provide another document (say the kind of Jian4 Kang1 Zheng4 Ming2 we got from "Chu1 Ru4 Jing4 Guan3 Li3 Bu4 Men2") together with the passport cover page?

If you have a sample, I would really appreciate it if you could email it to

假博士2004-07-21 19:37:33
回复:假博士, please help!
immigrate2004-07-21 19:55:47
回复:假博士, please help!
immigrate2004-07-21 19:57:44
Besides, copies of the first
Newnewer2004-07-21 20:49:38
Thanks 假博士, More questions