Newnewer2005-04-06 15:33:03
请问这几天有人收到从VSC寄出的notice/receipt 吗?从notice/receipt 上打印的日期到收到要多长时间?

网上有人说打电话问VSC被告知 mail room 有大量backlog,可能有的notice/receipt 两个星期都过了还没寄出,不知道是不是真的?如果哪位最近收到寄来的notice/receipt ,任何类型都行,可否share一下info?

Thank you very much!
cashed?2005-04-06 15:37:55
Have your checks been
smooth2005-04-06 15:44:29
回复:Have your checks been
Newnewer2005-04-06 15:48:10
回复:Have your checks been
485_filed2005-04-06 16:00:43
one week!
j352005-04-06 18:26:54
回复:VSC notice/receipt 邮寄时间问题
Newnewer2005-04-06 18:48:31
j35,is the approved day 04/01?
luckyone2005-04-06 18:56:16
回复:回复:VSC notice/receipt 邮寄时间问题
J352005-04-06 22:43:27
回复:j35,is the approved day 04/01?
lightpink2005-04-07 01:59:52
The same here...