Huan20072008-05-20 05:09:08

我们的Lobbyist告诉我们现在该法案到底在本周哪天投票还没确定,也许周三,但至少周二是不会投票了,因此我们还至少有周二一天的时间发动第二波电话攻势。LIA盼望大家继续拿起电话:如果你本人打过了,可以请你的朋友,同事,家人打,特别是如果你一家两口人,应两个人分别都打,效果加倍。特别是内华达州的Reid, Harry (D-NV)(202) 224-3542非常重要,内华达的同志请多加努力。另外打给外州是最后最后的选择(我们担心报错zip code会削弱我们的Credibility)。很多人打过电话之后都发现其实很容易,所以经过今天的队伍锻炼,周二做起来应该更加轻松。

LIA强烈建议您尽量联系您 的美国同事以及您在外州尤其是小州的朋友,请他们一起打,或者把flyer转发到各学校公司的mailing list上(英文message见后)。

今天打电话也遇到一些问题,如对方态度不好,没人接,或线路忙等。我们为此也请教了Lobbyist,他们已与某些态度欠佳的参议员办公室进行了联系。至于我方仍应继续保持彬彬有礼的态度。如果线路忙,可以DC的Capitol switchboard 202-224-3121或按 里的直拨号码 换着打,再不行就打Local office, 让他们尽快转达。总而言之要尽一切办法。



有任何问题,请打LIA电话:(800)-556-7065 政府关系部(ext.1)。

下面的英文版的email message谨供参考,方便大家请求美国朋友同事的帮忙。请根据您的实际情况作必要的修正。

Dear Friend,

I would appreciate it if you can spare 10 minutes of your time and pick up the phone to call the senators in your states to ask for their support of the Murray amendment(H.R. 2642) which will provide much needed short-term relief to the heavily backlogged employment-based (EB) green card system. The amendment to the Iraq supplemental appropriation package was offered by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and was co-sponsored by Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH). The incremental adjustments would help U.S. employers keep much-needed and sought-after highly educated professionals living, working and innovating in America. It will also greatly benefit the whole Chinese professional immigrant community, including not only those currently stuck in the green card process, but it will also help those who just started the process or even those who have not started yet, as the backlog affects anyone who has applied or will apply for green card.

Specifically, the approved provisions would:

* "Recapture" EB green cards that were authorized in previous years but went unused due to government process delays, easing the multi-year wait times for green cards that now prevail; and

* Permit U.S. employers to retain critical professional employees who are already here and in the EB green card process but who cannot enter the all-important final stage of that process, the "adjustment of status" application stage.

The Murray amendment has passed Senate Appropriation Committee last Thursday and now is going to be voted on by the senate this week as early as Wednesday. I would appreciate your help if you would pick up the phone and spare 10 minutes of your time to help me and the Chinese immigrant community. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the campaign, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your time.


For your convenience, the phone numbers of Senator office in DC are as following: Capitol switchboard 202-224-3121 then ask for senators offices(或请根据 提供电话号码)

You can follow the following if you like when you make the call.(下面的州名请为你的美国同事填好,这个不适用Murray(WA)和Gregg(NH)两位参议员):

I am a (your state) resident, and I work as (job title, e.g. human resources director), so I KNOW that (your state) needs these skilled workers to help create more jobs for Americans. So I want to urge Senator (name) to support Senator Murray's amendment (H.R. 2642) to the Iraq supplemental, to recapture visas for LEGAL immigrants. Please vote to keep the Murray/Gregg High Skilled Legal Immigration Amendment in the Iraq Supplemental on the Senate.