keefe2008-06-04 03:58:47
今天收到140的批准件,PD是2007年5月。485是去年7月的大潮中交的,当时140 pending。交完485后搬到另外一州,打过电话给USCIS改过地址。

结果发现140上面的A#和485的A#不一样。并且140批件第一段还有这么段话“The petition indicates that the person for whom you are petitioning is in the US and will apply for adjustment of status(aos). The info submitted with the petition shows that the person for whom you are petitioning is not eligible to file and aos application at this time." (我是DIY self petitioning).

显然USCIS不知道我已经递交了485。请问要给USCIS打电话把我的140和485联系在一起吗? 谢谢。
keefe2008-06-04 04:04:27
pjiang2008-06-04 18:40:40
keefe2008-06-04 22:05:06