nyfunguy2008-06-04 17:47:51
Yestoday I mentioned my PD maybe incorrect in USCIS system , but my attorney
said they reviewd my approved I140 and my PD is Feb 2004 , not what USCIS told me which is Sep 2007.

After I push my attorney to inquery with USCIS , they finally agreed that there was a error for my PD in USCIS, and officer from USCIS issued a service
request to TX center to review my information, my attorney said we expect to receice a letter from USCIS in this regard.

Now ,my question is : if PD in USCIS system is wrong(saying my PD is Sep 2007) ,how come my attorney said they review my I140 approval notice and said my PD is still Feb 2004 ?

could my attonery lie to me yestoday? anything I can do about that ?
pjiang2008-06-04 18:46:42
回复:Help , Pjiang and other expert !
nyfunguy2008-06-05 23:02:17
回复:回复:Help , Pjiang and other expert !