ph20032008-06-06 14:11:36
Firstly thank Xiaobaitu and all Da4Xia2 in 移民论坛 for the helps.

Our case:
NIW140 and 485 RD Dec 2003
140 AD June 2005
485 AD June 2nd 2008

My question is
I am going back to China next week, can I use AP to come back if I could not receive the GC before I go?

Good Luck for all!
刚刚返美2008-06-06 15:07:15
回复:Finally our 485 Approved, plus a question about AP
ph20032008-06-06 15:13:27
Thank you very much for your reply.
happy10112008-06-07 06:20:13
回复:Thank you very much for your reply.
ph20032008-06-07 12:20:44
回复:回复:Thank you very much for your reply.
happy10112008-06-08 04:58:01
Thanks very much for your reply. Best Regards.