lcquestion2004-07-25 17:51:07
请问各位有谁自己办过LC for green card? My company is willing to sponsor and pay. But I think lawyers are slow. I want to file RIR before PERM comes out.

Is it a good idea to conduct the recruiting process and write the report without a lawyer? Basically, that means I will do it myself b/c the company only signs papers. Btw, if anybody that got their LC approved can mail/email me copy of their recruiting reports, I will very appreciate. I am willing to PAY for that also. You can black out the company name and other sensitive info on the report. My email:

Thanks a lot. Good luck to everyone on the same boat.
Lawer!`2004-07-25 22:19:40
No,no, no! Not a
不.明.不.白!2004-07-25 22:20:30