cowboy0012008-07-05 20:11:07
很不幸今天收到NSC NIW140 RFE,具体如下:

Additional evidence is requestd to assist the service evaluateeligibility for a natioanl interest waiver pursuant to the tests established in Matter of New York State Dept of Transportation, 22 I&N Dec 215 (Comm.1998). (Please note: the evidencde initially submitted demonstrates that the proposed employment has substantial intrinsic merit and will be national scope).

Please submit any available additional documentary evidence that, as of the petition priority date, you had a degree of influence on you field that distinguishes you from other researchers with comparable academic/professional qualifications. The evidence may include, for example, copies of published articles that cit or otherwise recognize your research achievements. Similarly, you may wish to submit documentary evidence from an identifiable electronic database that illustrates the number of independent citations that each of your works have received. Finally, evidence of official recognitiion conferred on you by governmental entities or profesional organizaiotns may also be submitted.

目前的问题是我在美国的英文文章较少,当时交的时候是一篇一作,一篇二作,交上后出了一篇共同一作,另一篇三作,会议的ABSTRACT 大概6篇,CITATION 也很少。国内的中文文章有二三十篇,但是国内的文章与美国的专业不相符,国内是是动物遗传与生殖,美国是医学,当初交140的时候没有将国内的文章写到NATIONAL INTEREST 里,不知道这次能不能补上。

接到RFE,完全没有了方向,不知如何是好,该从哪儿着手,推荐信该重点介绍什么?恳请各位老师尤其是有过相同RFE的朋友指导,如果您通过律师办理后批准了,请您介绍一下您的律师, 我当时是自己办的,后悔不已。

另外: IO 是EX0656,不知这位是否仁慈? 万分感写各位朋友的帮助,谢谢大家。

jxshny2008-07-05 20:16:39
Try this number:212-689-0700.
cowboy0012008-07-05 20:20:10
Is a lawyer? Plesase tell the name, thanks.
needwait..2008-07-06 01:38:13
Several stronger letters if you have not too many citation.
NIW-RFEed2008-07-06 01:44:29
cowboy0012008-07-06 03:51:48
thank you so much.
Davidchen20072008-07-06 05:31:53
what will you do next?
yz0072008-07-06 05:59:20
cowboy0012008-07-06 14:23:03
thank you so much, I really appreciate.
niqiham2008-07-06 23:10:09
回复:紧急求助:NSC NIW 140 RFE,请各位老师及专家帮助
fsa20002008-07-10 04:57:51
回复:紧急求助:NSC NIW 140 RFE,请各位老师及专家帮助