身份空隙求教2004-07-26 22:35:44
Failed PhD qualify exam, lucky to get an job offer today, but don't have OPT, will I be in legal status and get my H1 if I file H1 application before the begin of Fall semester?
artliu2004-07-26 22:51:40
回复:PhD failed qualify exam
空隙求救2004-07-26 22:55:11
回复:回复:PhD failed qualify exam
hgyt2004-07-26 23:42:02
回复:PhD failed qualify exam
空隙求救2004-07-27 05:06:05
回复:回复:PhD failed qualify exam
hytg2004-07-27 15:36:39
回复:回复:回复:PhD failed qualify exam
空隙求救2004-07-27 18:01:26
Thanks a lot. I'll try.