status1232008-07-10 05:05:24
疯掉了,LD的H1B REF还是不行. 明天只好一个人郁闷地过生日了。有点想哭 :(


The visa officer asked me the proof of legal status between 09/30/2006 to 03/21/2007. I provided the following:

1. My H1B application was submitted before 09/30/2006 (my OPT expired on 09/30/2006) and I was waiting for approval during 09/30/2006 to 03/21/2007.

2. I did not work and get paid during that period.

3. I had enough fund to support my living and did not have to work.

4. A uscis memo which states it's authorized to stay when waiting for the application to be approved (if filed timely). When I gave this to him, he asked me if I wanted to teach him US immigration law. However he kept this memo for study.

However the officer told me it is not enough to prove the legal status. He kept my apaplication material and says he will study it. He also said I will be contacted within one week.


老公是2006年6月提交的H1B申请, OPT是9月底到期.11月的时候要补充材料. 2007年
3月H1B批准. 在OPT到期后至第二年3月他是在等待H1B批准. 按OIS和律师的说法, 等待时间是合法的STATUS.

现在VO要提供证明说他在2006年9月底到2007年三月这段时间是合法身份.我们该怎么证明? 现在做的是.

1. 向经办H1B的律师要2006年收到申请的NOTICE(这个我没有拿到, 在律师那里.
我们在EMAIL要扫描件)和2006年11月的补充材料的NOTICE(这个他的EMAIL里面有扫描件). 那么加上拿到的H1B批准的NOTICE(这个老公现在有, 押在大使馆呢), 应该能证明他在H1B批准前是在等待批准.

2.说明申请等待期间是合法的.这个上哪里找?我到HOMELAND SECURITY(DHS)的网站上没找到相关信息. 能找到的请帮忙.

大家帮帮忙. 看看我们该怎么做? 签证官让老公找DHS证明那段时间是合法的.问怎么
haoduowenti2008-07-10 15:35:09
个人觉得,问题不大. 那个VO是要找个台阶下,当面有些下不来台.
status1232008-07-11 03:00:31
Xie Xie! I hope so