NIWDIYOK2008-07-13 14:59:24
Hi Dear Experts

I has been thinking to do NIW by myself for two years, but I have never started because I am totally preschooler for this NIW DIY. I tried to ask some lawyers, some of the charges are $8000 and some $5000(too much,I am a single mom), but I still have to do most of the work.Now, I know I have to do it and I will need your help, friends! I will ask a lot help from you guys and I will appreciate any little bit of help and suggestions. I think I can do it with your help. I will donate my story and documents to this website if I can succeed. Thanks.
First question for my friends : If I ask my previous boss for recommendation letter, should her recommendation letter talk about what I did in her lab or should she talk about the work I am doing now? When I write the cover letter( maybe statement? not sure yet), how much should I talk about the work I did in my previous jobs if I had good publications from then? Thanks for your time and your help. Cheers!!
mylawyer2008-07-13 23:23:04
回复:NIW DIYer needs help! ! Experts please come in.
just-do-it!2008-07-13 23:35:21
回复:NIW DIYer needs help! ! Experts please come in.
mouse19942008-07-14 00:38:11
Order a DIY Kit online. You will know everything about it.
NIWDIYOK2008-07-23 21:23:41
Thank you all and I will do more research on it. Proud of you al