DavidPan2008-07-18 21:26:04

NIW I140 (TSC): submitted: 4/26/06
approved: 9/5/06
485 (TSC): submitted 7/2/07

EB1A: 140 & 485 (NSC): ted 1/5/07
140 REF: 3/27/08 (only two weeks to reply)
RFE submitted: 4/12/08, approved 4/21/08,

6/20/08: my NIW 485 transfered to NSC.
7/17/08: card ordered.

I'd like to thank fsa200 (fsa2000@gmail.com) for his great help in preparing RFE. Also thanks Pjaing, xiaobaitu and this forum for valuable info.

My experience is that no matter what's your background, do it earlier and never give up. Also, if you do not like your lawyer, you can file G-28 to cancel the lawyer after your I-140 got approved. Sometimes lawyer can ruin your case.

Best wishes to all of your guys.
HAODUOWENTI2008-07-18 21:28:20
angen2008-07-19 00:00:07
cpt2008-07-19 00:07:52
回复:我也绿了 are your approved based on EB1a
opt2008-07-19 00:58:00
Congratulations! How to use G28 to remove lawyer? Thanks.回复:我也绿了
DavidPan2008-07-19 02:32:08
DavidPan2008-07-19 02:36:26
Yes, it is based on EB1A
DavidPan2008-07-19 02:37:01
File new G-28 and said you represent yourself
美西游子2008-07-19 06:02:37
Congrats! 回复:我也绿了
angen2008-07-19 06:16:59
回复:回复:回复:我也绿了 One more question
DavidPan2008-07-19 20:13:37
I checked it online and it is based on NIW 485
angen2008-07-19 20:28:12
回复:I checked it online and it is based on NIW 485
angen2008-07-19 20:35:37
Another thought. 回复:I checked it online and it is based on NIW 4