周易迷2008-08-02 22:51:37
他们需要做什么在回美时OK? 看USCIS网站的International Travel,似乎一年内返美不用申请reentry permit?

"International Travel
A Permanent Resident of the United States can travel freely outside of the US. A passport from the country of citizenship is normally all that is needed. To reenter the US a Permanent Resident normally needs to present the green card (Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551) for readmission. A reentry permit is needed for reentry for trips greater than one year but less than two years in duration."

各位有类似经历吗? 谢谢先!
sdfsdfsdff2008-08-03 00:07:25
周易迷2008-08-03 01:21:41