Main applicant's green card approved today
Yesterday went to Infopass, met a Chinese officer, who is a total a-h. Because we also asked the status of I-131, which seems already lost, and he is so arrogant and bxxchy, asking us all kinds of weird questions. We just wanted to know if name check is cleared, but he is asking all kinds of other questions. I just have to say, some are really a-hs who is working for USCIS, maybe they had trouble becoming citizen, then they made it tougher for others too, expecially other Chinese. Very disgusting person. And by the end, he even proudly and shamelessly lowered his voice and said: "you know I can hold your case for really long time!" We really do not know what he wants, we can not see his name tag, and he would not tell either. I guess he probably means that we should bribe him? We are very confused, but anyway, the main applicant's green card is approved.
I do not how long I have to wait, hopefully what he said is not right, or can he? Be careful if you are going to infopass, los angeles field office, window 16, he is a Chinese, short guy, very gross attitude.