jerrygreat2008-08-05 22:39:56
Hi Pijing/Xiao Bai Tu,
In July, I was H1 laid-off. then filed H4 (pending), In Augest, changed to H1 again (current status), do I need to withdraw the still pending H4?

(my lawyer states that its unnecessary to withdraw the H4 – the H1 application overwrites and or supercedes the H4.)

is that true?

pls give an expert comfirmation...

thanks a lot in advance.


zwhlm62008-08-05 22:58:01
pjiang2008-08-06 05:04:07
回复:Pjing/Xiao Bai Tu, can you help?
pjiang2008-08-06 05:05:14
需要加拿大签证 - 回复:那位大侠给我一个答复;B2签证坐飞机去加拿大是否需要签证,返回美国是否需要到美领事馆签证.谢谢.
zwhlm62008-08-06 15:15:28