G72008-08-08 18:46:00
今年九月份过期,上个月刚用AP从国内回来。现在公司的律师刚file renew。可是这个月底可能要去一趟欧洲,到时候新的AP肯定没有批,不知道在新的AP pending时用旧的AP去欧洲会不会认为是放弃新的AP或者是我的458?

allforGC2008-08-08 19:14:08
taotaomao2008-08-08 19:15:03
You would be fine
G72008-08-08 19:42:39
不是在AP pending的时候离开美国就认为是放弃申请吗?
allforGC2008-08-08 19:50:29
your old AP is not expired yet.Buddy.
G72008-08-08 19:55:12
I know my old AP is ok. I am worrying about the application for
G72008-08-08 19:57:34
回复:your old AP is not expired yet.Buddy.
allforGC2008-08-08 20:05:07
definitely not. take it easy.
G72008-08-08 20:22:13
回复:definitely not. take it easy.
allforGC2008-08-09 21:55:39
回复:回复:definitely not. take it easy.
G72008-08-10 00:06:58
回复:回复:回复:definitely not. take it easy.