This is the record of questions and answers in the USCIS-Nati
onal Stakeholde
rs Meeting which was held on June 24, 2008, which has just been released. The meeting touched on various issues including biometric problem.
Q1: Under the new re-entry permit procedures
, applicants
receive biometrics
t notices in the United States after they file their I-131 applicatio
ns. We have encountere
d several individual
s who (due to the fact that they did not have prior notice of these new requiremen
ts) had already purchased airplane tickets to return to the United States for a limited period of time during which they planned to file an I-131 applicatio
n. In many cases, these individual
s only made travel arrangemen
ts to be in the United States for a period of one week or less. In the past, this did not affect I-131 processing
as biometrics
ts were not required, and the applicant could file the applicatio
n and then depart, however, this is no longer the case. In general, once an I-131 applicatio
n is filed, the how long does it take before a biometrics
t is issued and does this vary according to ASC location?
A1: For normal I-131 processing
, applicants
will be scheduled for a biometric appointmen
t approximat
ely three to four weeks after receipt of the I-131, and this time estimate is consistent
for all ASC locations.
Expedited processing
is made available by the Nebraska Service Center on a case-by-ca
se basis. Instructio
ns for requesting
an expedited applicatio
n are detailed on the Form I-131 Instructio
ns, Rev. 05/27/08. If approved for expedite, the NSC has the capability
of scheduling
an applicant for an expedited biometrics
Q2: The ASC appointmen
t notices that we have seen instruct the applicant to send a request for rescheduli
ng to the ASC where the appointmen
t was originally
If an applicant receives a biometrics
t but has to reschedule
it, how does the reschedule
procedure work?
A2: Once the ASC staff member receives a request, s/he pulls up the current appointmen
t in the scheduler,
verifies the applicant’
s informatio
n, makes changes if appropriat
e (eg. address changes), and reschedule
s for the “next available”
t or by date. New notices are automatica
lly generated and sent.
Q3. May an applicant request that the biometrics
t be reschedule
d during a certain time frame (i.e. one week July 10-July 17) or after a certain date/point
in time when they will be back in the U.S. for a longer period of time?
A3: Yes, on both points, if emergent circumstan
ces warrant exceptiona
l handling of the applicatio
Q4. Who at an ASC considers these requests for rescheduli
ng and what guidance has USCIS provided to ASCs about rescheduli
ng appointmen
A4: Rescheduli
ng requests can be made by the ASC Manager, Site Supervisor
, or other staff trained on the scheduler.
Standard Operating Procedures
are provided on the process of rescheduli
ng applicants
and on use of the scheduling
Q5. May a request be made to have the ASC appointmen
t in an area of the country other than where the original ASC appointmen
t was scheduled and if so, how should such a request be made?
A5: Yes, address changes should be noted in the rescheduli
ng request.
Q6. If an applicant mails a request for rescheduli
ng, but does not receive the new appointmen
t before the original appointmen
t date, how can the applicant verify that the request is being processed?
A6: The applicant can contact the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-
5283 to receive an update on the ASC appointmen
t currently noted in the scheduling
system. If the client experience
s a delay in the processing
of their reschedule
greater than 30 days, they should contact the NCSC. USCIS will follow up directly with the appropriat
e ASC to make sure that the appointmen
t is reschedule
Q7. If an applicant successful
ly reschedule
s the biometrics
t, does this impact the processing
of the I-131 applicatio
n (will the process take longer)?
A7: Yes, delay of the biometric processing
y delays overall processing
of the applicatio
Q8: If an applicant has had their biometrics
taken in connection
with another applicatio
n (i.e. I-485) within the past 15 months, can those biometrics
be used for the I-131 applicatio
A8: The 15-month window refers to the validity of the response from an FBI background
check, based on the submission
of an applicant’
s ten-print fingerprin
ts. For applicatio
n types that require biometric images (photograp
h, signature,
and press print) as well, such as the I-485 and the I-131, in most cases a new set of biometric images must be captured to associate with each applicatio