485RFE_0802004-08-06 19:24:32
I just got an I-485 RFE, requiring an employment letter. My 140 is extraordinary ability, approved by dec last year. I am a postdoctor (not a permanent position). As my understanding, this kind of 140 does not require a permanent job even without a job. I list the RFE letter below to see if anybody has any suggestion:

From INS:

"Submit a letter on your employer's original letterhead (not photocopy) showing you are employed full-time (40 hours per week) in a permanent job. Although you are not required to have an employer, you must provide evidence that you are working in your field of expertise. If you have evidence of employment please provide. It is unclear since your record indicates you are a visiting postdoctral scholar, which does not appear to be a permanent position."
回:复2004-08-06 19:30:02
when did you file 485?
485RFE_0802004-08-06 19:38:34
回复:when did you file 485?
回:复2004-08-06 20:10:26
I think you better
ying2004-08-06 21:12:31
回复:485 RFE (employment letter)
,who2004-08-06 21:51:12
I have a friend
oldhand2004-08-06 23:21:17
回复:485 RFE (employment letter)
IgotOneToo2004-08-07 16:41:05
回复:回复:485 RFE (employment letter)
485RFE_0802004-08-07 17:42:50
回复:485 RFE (employment letter)
485RFE_0802004-08-07 17:50:20
回复:I have a friend
485RFE_0802004-08-07 17:51:52
回复:回复:485 RFE (employment letter)
lao3lao42004-08-08 04:32:31
回复:485 RFE (employment letter)
LV192004-08-09 21:06:25
should the salary in REF?