os2008-09-12 20:36:48
LD is going to apply EB1 and after that I am going to apply EAD as my H1B will be expired soon.

My question is: if his 485 is denied and I have used EAD, am I out status in US? Can I change back to H4?

Can someone please help me with this?
blwinter2008-09-12 21:06:57
回复:H1B using EAD question
OS2008-09-12 21:11:52
thank you for reply! Is there any H1B+H4 6 years limit here?
8632112008-09-13 00:45:50
回复:thank you for reply! Is there any H1B+H4 6 years limit here?
blwinter2008-09-13 02:35:29
This is not true. H4 time is counted in total 6 years. No anothe
8632112008-09-13 03:26:07
回复:This is not true. H4 time is counted in total 6 years. No ano