牛牛妈2002008-09-15 06:12:19

在N470 Instructions里面有这句话,“Filing a Form N-470 does not relieve a permanent residentfrom obtaining a reentry permit, in advance of trips outsidethe United States for a year or more, nor does it relieve theapplicant from the naturalization law's physical presencerequirement.”



最后,这条 “Please note that in most cases you must have been physicallypresent and residing in the United States for an uninterruptedperiod, without any absences whatsoever, for at least oneyear after your admission as a lawful permanent residentbefore you can file a Form N-470.” 就限制必须拿绿卡一年都在美国待着。有什么例外的情形么?

pjiang2008-09-15 16:51:28
Filing a Form N-470 =/= N-470 approval - 回复:诚恳请问XBT和Pijiang老师:申请