year?????2004-08-09 19:37:42
My hu*****and holds F1 visa and has been in USA for five years till this August. I holds F2 visa and have been here for four years. His scholarship is around $20000. So for 2004, our taxable income is 20000- 5000(tax treaty for F1)- 9500(standard deduction for resident alien for tax purpose and married filing jointly)=5500
We should pay $553 federal income tax.

Is that right? Thanks
papasmirf2004-08-09 20:05:21
回复:How much tax weshould pay this
stp2004-08-09 23:34:25
明年抱04年的税时再一起算, 按你说的情况
1115552004-08-10 18:59:44
回复:How much tax weshould pay this