- 文学城
- [immigration]
我个人的情况是赶在去年8月前递了DIY的NIW的申请, 在NSC。当时因为只有两周时间,所以只能DIY,推荐信也很着急的情况下有什么就用什么了。当时我只有一篇不是第一作者的文章发表。现在收到补件通知,非常简单的要求我补充文章的引用。从文章发表到现在一年时间里我找到了11个引用(其中5个是综述,1个是Editorial), 所有作者来自9个国家,而且全部是临床医生引用;也被文章所发杂志(IF:10)的主编在该杂志年度综述中提出来说非常有价值。我收到的补件通知原文如此:
The evidence submitted in support of the petition does not demonstrate a level of work that will serve the national interest to substantially greater degree than would a available U。S worker having the same minimum qualifications。In other words,the evidence in the record does not show that the self-petitioner has distinguished himself above other researcher in the same field。The petitioner must establish that he will serve the national interest to a substantially greater degree than would a available U。S researcher having the same minimum qualfications。The peririoner must demonstate that his woek has impacted or influenced the field of endeavor as a whole。
For the aforementioned reasons,in order testablish eligibility,please submit following:
Copies of published articles by other researchers citing or orher wise recognizing the petitoner’s research and/or contributions。Highlight the portion of the paper that references the petitioner’s work,in the biblography or the “works cirted”section。It is not necessary to submit articles that are self-referencing.
The evidence submitted with the petition has already been considered;therefore, please DO NOT re-submit the same evidence。
请问象我这种情况是否按信里所提就直接按要求补引用就行了?但我文章发表时间短,现在只有上面所提的11个引用。是否能让VO信服, 证明我比同行的美国人强呢?还是应该找个律师从新整理各种有用的材料,比如补充推荐信,最近又发表的PAPER和abstract,和一些其他的证据呢?总之,怎么提出让人信服, 证明我比同行的美国人强?怎么这种情况下我到底能做些什么,怎么做?谢谢!
I think you need a good lawyer
Hi Cowboy001, did you get approval for your RFE?
yes, I did. also I did not have very strong background
Cong? How long does it take after NSC received your response? Th
I got the exact same RFE as yours. My IO is 0175