NSC-GC2008-10-11 04:36:00
Many people suggest not to use any new evidence after the filling date in replying RFE. Is that true? Why the IO requested me to send "current/updated citation"?
红叶2008-10-11 06:29:50
You can send updated citation on your old articles.
WorthIt2008-10-11 18:03:17
回复:EB1A 140 RFE questions
NSC-GC2008-10-11 20:24:51
Tahnk you all for the suggestions!!
kekoukele2008-10-12 05:16:57
worthit 请你不要胡说八道,误导别人
WorthIt2008-10-13 05:37:46
回复:可你要记住, 法律是人来执行的!!! Does it make sense??
kekoukele2008-10-14 02:20:34
if you are not a lawyer, please do NOT pretend to be
WorthIt2008-10-14 06:57:20
回复:if you are not a lawyer, please do NOT pretend to be
SureUcan2008-10-20 00:39:02
回复:回复:if you are not a lawyer, please do NOT pretend to be