kiwimango2008-10-15 03:00:28
收到NIW的RFE信了。要文章的citation。查了查,一共有6篇文章引用了我的文章。但是只有1,2篇发表在我交I140前。请问,其他发表在我交140后引用我的文章的文章有没有效?RFE的信中有一段:please note that you must establish eligibility at the time of filing this petition. Therefore, papers that are "under preparation" or have been accepted but not published as of the date of filing this petition have no bearing on these proceedings.
这里是指我的文章还是指引用我的文章的文章?会不会指要求我的文章(而不是引用我的文章的文章)必须是在交140 前,因为信中还有一段:You must establish you have a past record of specific prior achievement that justifies projections of future benefit to the national interest. ....
kiwimango2008-10-15 03:42:23
回复:NIW RFE 求助!
immigrationtous2008-10-15 04:06:00
回复:NIW RFE 求助!
lvxxx2008-10-15 14:28:03
Soy20072008-10-15 20:28:56
suggest to seek a good attorney
lish2008-10-16 00:46:15