returnee2008-10-19 22:52:48
Dear all,

My H1B on the 797A form is valid till Dec. 31, 2008. I notified my boss that I will leave in Nov, and just found that he stopped my payment on Oct. 31. 请问有没有不拿工资但是让老板把雇佣时间放在11月30日的可能性?这样做对老板来说会不会违法?我现在在学校做博士后,准备回国工作,由于现在准备时间特别紧张,很想在11月再待两周左右,但担心下次过来开会之类的签证会因为非法滞留1至两周而受到影响。请大家给出建议。
youtube12342008-10-19 23:16:57
回复:Is it legal to keep H1B without being paid?
returnee2008-10-19 23:22:45
回复:回复:Is it legal to keep H1B without being paid?
tucb2008-10-20 00:32:50
Consider it an unpaid long vacation, nothing illegal.
returnee2008-10-21 23:15:47
Update: Consider it an unpaid long vacation, nothing illegal.