需要大家的鼓励2004-08-12 03:41:53
My lawyer gives me a lot of samples but those are far away from my research field. I have to figure out how to boost my works and exagerate the importance and significance of my works, how to debate i am very important person, the works i did have benefited this country etc. Boring and tedious! Hope some guys who are now writing drafts for NIW give me some ideas to keep me continuing writing or exchange ideas or encourage me to make this load getting light and pleasant thing. my email: greenfuture65201@yahoo.com.
假博土2004-08-12 05:23:09
what is your research field?
tiger0012004-08-12 06:06:03
TiredGuy2004-08-12 15:18:58
回复:what is your research field?
couragemen2004-08-12 15:21:32
Sincerely grateful for your en
NIWDIY2004-08-12 16:48:31
同病相怜22004-08-12 17:43:23
NIWDIY~2004-08-12 17:56:28
回复:another good example for wh
matrix882004-08-12 19:04:16
回复:看来不只我一个. 互相鼓励吧.
weichen2004-08-12 19:13:54
Relax, leave it for a while...
TiredGuy2004-08-12 19:54:11
Thank you very much!
TiredGuy2004-08-12 20:02:08
Good idea
TiredGuy2004-08-12 20:13:19
TiredGuy2004-08-12 20:14:55
good poem, good encouragement
niwseeker2004-08-12 20:19:27
one thing I don't understand
甜头在后呢2004-08-12 20:39:09
I spent at least 45 days on it
eeeyeee2004-08-12 20:44:37
My ideal way to prepare...
eeeyeee2004-08-12 20:47:47
回复:one thing I don't understand
TiredGuy2004-08-12 21:03:34
attractive prospect
TiredGuy2004-08-12 21:09:00
Yes, it is a good way for some
matrix882004-08-12 21:28:34
eeeyeee2004-08-12 21:38:10
回复:Yes, it is a good way for some
NIWDIY~2004-08-12 21:41:23
回复:just plain truth
TiredGuy2004-08-12 21:44:33
I have same feeling
TiredGuy2004-08-12 21:46:56
really? cool!
matrix882004-08-12 22:07:39
gcappy2004-08-12 22:33:35
回复:Thank you very much!
Driveyours2004-08-13 00:11:53
回复:回复:what is your research field?
TiredGuy2004-08-13 01:54:49
Your encouragement appreciated
fenzheng2004-08-13 13:51:42
go go, you are a man.
TiredGuy2004-08-13 19:02:04
Man sometimes feels tired
顶12004-08-13 20:51:00
TiredGuy2004-08-14 03:13:39
no need to worry about it