2_revisit2003-10-24 18:18:00
PLease help:
Does anyone have the experience recently: how long does parents have to wait for this second application 通过中信银行递护照申请 to the US after their previous visit back to China?
I plan to get pregnant (Have tried many times but never become true), and wish they can come to see me during my due day for "Yuezi", but also prefer they can come here now for 2 to 3 months because now we can have Thanksgiving and Christmas together, and then back to China to wait for their second revisit for my due day.
The problem is that my doctor wants me and my hu*****and to try the artifical insemination in the mid of November, and so in December we will know whether I get pregant(the successful rate is only 1/4)or not, is it better for us to have my parents to be here for 2 or 3 months from November (Their visa application appointment is on Nov 4) or just postpond their first visit to my due day to be sure they can come during that time?
I heard parents have to wait 8 to 12 months for reapplication after they come back to China, If it is true, my parents have to cancel the current appointment and wait for the possible due day to come which I do not want to but have no choice.
How can have them come now and also be sure they can also come back during my due day?

xzzhangda2003-10-24 19:44:00
回复:wait: 2nd revisit
2_revisit2003-10-24 19:49:00
backTime 》 StayTime??
throughzh2003-10-24 20:33:00
回复:回复:wait: 2nd revisit
xzzhangda2003-10-24 21:49:00
回复:wait: 2nd revisit
throughzh2003-10-25 01:09:00
回复:回复:wait: 2nd revisit