绿卡早就不是绿色了2008-11-04 15:16:13
Filed on Feb 2007 to NBC, transfered to TSC on April 2008. There was one soft update on Sept 24,2008 after sending an inquiry for service to TSC.
1357902008-11-04 16:19:48
回复:NIW140 approved in TSC after 21 months
绿卡早就不是绿色了2008-11-04 16:50:08
回复:回复:NIW140 approved in TSC after 21 months
绿卡早就不是绿色了2008-11-04 16:52:04
My attorney did. Just a letter saying your case out side process
aee032008-11-05 03:04:18
congrats! Can I send the inqury letter by myself?
cocoine2008-11-06 16:16:11
回复:NIW140 approved in TSC after 21 months