jjcl2008-11-08 01:23:58
On Nov 3, asked the address for the RFE materials. Thanks lvxxx for replying.
Sent it out on Nov.4, Got LUD on 4th, 5th and 7th. and approved today.

RD: 07/27/07 to NSC, NIW DIY
RFE from # 329: 8/28/08
Submitted DIY RFE response on 11/4/08, got approved after 3 days.

Background: PhD in US, Biomedical Engineering

Before RFE:
Journal papers: 5 (4 first-author), all English
Proceedings: 12
Abstracts: 34
Some international/national conference awards

Added for RFE:
3 first-author paper, 1 second-author paper;
1 book chapter;
Reviews for 12 journals: 36

My case 证明了DIY 也是可行的. 给那些想DIY的人 (NIW + RFE) 一点信心.

Thanks for the help from this web,especially pjiang etc. I got all the necessary information from here.
hengheng12008-11-08 05:25:48
was RFE on Authorship and reviewing others' work?