PDIPDI2008-11-15 15:54:46
TSC NIW I-140收到 Intent to Deny, 请问被deny的可能性有多大,现在该怎么办。没有citation, 从事领域很难有citation,不知道该怎么办。publication and patent 10+。

tom20072008-11-16 05:17:19
How do you know "intent to deny"?
officer2112008-11-16 23:39:42
和你同样的遭遇,我的officer是211, 你呢?bless both of us.
PDIPDI2008-11-17 01:05:34
回复:和你同样的遭遇,我的officer是211, 你呢?bless both of us.
officer2112008-11-17 05:49:53
回复:回复:和你同样的遭遇,我的officer是211, 你呢?bless both of us.
pjiang2008-11-17 08:18:30
回复:紧急求助!!!NIW I-140 Intent to Deny
PDIPDI2008-11-17 17:53:21
回复:回复:回复:和你同样的遭遇,我的officer是211, 你呢?bless both of us.
fsa20002008-11-18 05:08:55
evidences you need to prepare