无比羡慕2008-12-08 04:21:26

1) 全家今年3月拿到绿卡

2) 我现在持中国护照. 在考虑拿第三国(非中国)的offer. 公司是international corp. 总部在美国. 但是offer 的工资是由第三国对应公司以第三国货币发.

3) 打算老婆孩子仍旧留在美国. 我先到第三国工作直到老婆拿到美国国籍.

4) 已经读了 pjiang 老师博客(对白皮书的简介) 以及一些其它e文指导


1) 象我这样情况, 是否满足白皮书申请条件?

2) 如果满足, 第一张白皮书过期后, 是否可以再申请一张?

3) 象我这样情况, 在第三国工作时间段, 是否仍旧可以算是在美国的continuous residency? -- 下面这个 e 文指导在"continuous residency" 段说:
"If you plan to apply in the future for naturalization, absences from the U.S. for one year or more will normally break the continuity of your required continuous residence in the U.S. However, if the Attorney General has approved an absence because you are a permanent resident employee of the U.S. government abroad or an American institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General, or employed by an American firm or corporation then a period of absence from the U.S. will not affect your continuity of residence.
我这样情况算是 "employed by an American corporation" 吗?

无比羡慕2008-12-08 04:27:26
回复:补充: 我读过的教材