donkey_road2008-12-09 04:13:38

In September, I contacted you regarding WOM for my I-485 case. You encouraged me to file WOM and gave me the information of the attorney. At the end of Sept, I filed WOM in New York with the help of attorney Romben Aquino.In the middle of November, I received my green card.

Thank you so much for your help. Without your website and the information, I would be still in the waiting list. I also highly recommend attorney Romben Aquino to other friends who have the similar issues. Meanwhile, I will send you a small gift for sharing my happiness and supporting your website.


我们这同胞选择了1, 我们帮他列了几个有打类似官司经验的律师,因为难度不大,成功把握很大,我们叫他找要价最底的就行.这不,不到两个月就来给我们报喜了.
