After 2 years' waiting since 485 filed in January 2007, and 4 years counting from the LC priority date, I said to myself: enough is enough! As a CFO of a mid-sized company, I am in charge of Finance as well as the HR department, and ironically I am the only person who has to renew the EAD card year after year in our company?!
I have been so busy, and so dumb, that I have not even thought about seeking help from any Senator or Congressman. Now is time. So I asked HR manager to call the district U.S. congressman and was told to forward all necessary documents, plus a letter of authorization, so that they can start to help us. Everything was done the next day. The HR manager suggested that she goes to the the Congressman office for further discussion. I also asked the CEO if he could join us, who was very supportive.
Three days before Christmas, we arrived at the Congressman office. Our CEO started his lecture-style talk. The immigration system, he said, was worst of the worst. " I am proud that we paid millions of dollars of taxes, but I am not proud that we have to pay these hefty fees for the immigration bureaucracy".
On Christmas eve, the Congressman office called us with a great news: "Your case is ready for adjudicaiton. They have notified a supervisor for final review.You should get a result within 3 months"
I was astonished that my case was approved so fast. I was expecting an RFE regarding the medical exam (I did not provide the TB test result and gave an X-ray image only). No RFE, no LUD, but outright approval email!
We are in a country that politics matters.
Call politicians, visit them, push them, use your muscle, and it works - at least in my case.