pr2009-01-16 20:02:15
pr2009-01-16 20:04:06
补充一下, 还没交485
zzcpitt2009-01-16 20:14:26
pr2009-01-16 20:30:00
thanks for sharing.
pjiang2009-01-16 20:36:36
回复:请教一下: I140 已经APPROVE后, 回到TN的可能性多大? THANKS!
pr2009-01-16 20:45:10
thanks for elaboration.
pr2009-01-17 00:16:02
pjiang2009-01-17 03:29:16
I believe you would not have asked such a question - 回复:那还能以VIS
pr2009-01-17 03:56:28
thanks for reply, I think I read carefully, but
pjiang2009-01-17 04:08:37
That's why VWP was specifically mentioned in the blog - 回复:thank
pr2009-01-17 04:12:59
thanks for clarify, I did not realize VWP mean visa waiver progr
cjlcan2009-04-15 22:38:25
回复:回复:请教一下: I140 已经APPROVE后, 回到TN的可能性多大? THANKS!