liuka2009-01-18 03:10:01

In your blog

You said "这个不同的概念,只有在 AP 入境之后 I-485 被拒的情况下,才出现分歧。如果是仍旧的 H 非移民身份,就可以继续在境内停留;如果死扣移民局的 Memo,这时候申请人必须手动地进行 H 的 reinstatement,尽管原来的还没有到期。"

So if a H1B returns to US using AP, in the event of I485 denial he/she can reinstate to H1B. Is that correct? What kind of application must be filed in that case to reinstate H1B?

Many thanks.
doshexh2009-01-18 04:51:24
回复:To pijiang -- H1B status after return using AP