彷徨中的人2003-10-25 08:26:00
今天收到加拿大面试通知的信件,要求提供 Police Certificate from the FBI 和 Police Certificate from the State of California,不知道那位大侠办过这玩意儿?是不是两者都要,还是只要办后面一个(我现在人在加州)就好了?另外,办这个东西,要提供自己的指纹,请问是到 DMV 还是到 Local Police Department 去做指纹比较方便?


要求:Provide other evidence in writing of your proficiency in those languages. This material should include:

- a written submission explaining your training in English or French;
- an explanation of how you commonly use English or French;
- official documentation of education in English or French;
- official documentation of work experience in English or French.

前面两项看起来还好办一些(当然有范例更好,免得出错),后面两项我一点主意都没有,怎样的 documentation 才能称得上 official?第三项可不可以用大学的英语教育的课程作为证明(我的六级证书好像也丢了)?第四项可不可以叫我现在的工作单位(加州 H1B, Software Engineer)给写一个就行了?


sharew2003-10-26 18:07:00