chizhubao2009-02-03 15:01:45

LC(PD): 2004/12/30
140 & 485 (RD): concurrent 2007/08/13
Fingure print: 2007/11/08
140 approved: 2009/1/28 based on CRIS email approval notice, and same day with LUD on primary and dependent 485
485 approved (primary and dependent together): 2009/02/02 based on CRIS email aprroval notice

Learn a lot from here. Wish good luck for everybody.

Thank all you and special for pijiang.
dingdang0082009-02-03 15:03:20
Congrats! Thanks for the info.
yyq01922009-02-03 15:26:24
回复:EB-2 485 approved
chizhubao2009-02-03 15:46:54
回复:回复:EB-2 485 approved
yyq01922009-02-04 06:29:30
回复:回复:回复:EB-2 485 approved