jennylin2009-02-21 21:42:19
I have two babies, one is 2.2 year old, another is 100 days old.

I prepared the full-time enrollment verification letter for my first duaghter in case the officer asks my mother questions as "you are going to help your daughter to take care of her baby/babies, right?", I know US officers are concerned about their daycare marketing..., should I "hide" my second one, since I don't have any enrollment document for her, just because the ruth is that I have to ask my mother to take care of her...
so, 在我给父母写的邀请信以及给签证官的信中,要不要提及小孩的事?比如小孩多大了,几个,等等?签证官如何查我们小孩的事?我打算只提一个,和妈同一口供说只有一格,入托了。可以吗?

pjiang2009-02-23 17:38:32