shanxiandragon2009-03-17 22:55:18
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发信人: mrcuilong (dragon), 信区: Immigration
标 题: Received RFE, TSC NIW, 在线请教
发信站: BBS (Mon Mar 16 20:06:22 2009)

DIY by myself
Date 2/22/08

Received RFE from officer# 223

You are required to submit a copy of the ETA9089 form, Sections J. K. and L
(See attached). Please fill out the requested information and return the
form along with the request for evidence.

You must submit the requested information within 30 days from the date of
this letter. Failure to do so may result in the denial of your petition.


1. 仔细研究了一下Form9089,此表好像是Application for Pemanent
certifacation (U.S. Department of Labor),好像跟NIW没有什么关系。是否有人有

2. 拜读了皮匠的文章, NIW好像也需要ETA750-B, 我当初没有填, 是否因此RFE?

3. ETA 9089 J23, Is the alien currently emploed by the petitionging employer? Y or N?

NIW 没有通过雇主申请, 有些疑惑。 谢谢!

sdfsdfsdff2009-03-18 15:39:56
回复:Received RFE, TSC NIW, 请教皮匠, 小白兔老师, 及各位大侠!