jockeyi2009-03-31 22:20:48
I got a RFE from USCIS. My doctor messed up with my immunization record. For Varicella (chickenpox), he wrote that I've passed the age to have Varicella vaccination. In the RFE, USCIS says that everyone over 12 months old should have varicella done.

The question is whether I should have some extra vaccinations done as well because the immunizations requested by USCIS have changed during the past one year or so. Now they require more vaccinations. Does my doctor only have to complete the old immunization form? The RFE only says that I lack Varicella, but it is not very specific about whether I need more vaccinations.

Have you seen similar cases? If you share the answer, it will be highly appreciated. Today I met another person who's in a similar situation, but her RFE letter was more specific: it only requires the second shot of MMR.