NSCEB1b140RFE2009-04-09 01:47:07
收到 NSC EB1B 140 RFE, 主要有两条,不知道如何办,请教大家的建议.谢谢!

1. You have submitted evidence that the beneficiary has been invited to review articles for publication.The evidence of record does not show that the alien has been called upon on a regular basis to review the work other peers and thus does not show that she is regarded as outstanding in the held as a whole.

2. You have submitted letters of reference written by peers and colleagues of the beneficiary. This Service acknowledges opinions presented in letters written expressly for this proceeding, but these do not overcome the lack of documentary evidence that the beneficiary's work has made an impact in the field and that the beneficiary is considered outstanding in the field. Assertions about the value of the beneficiary's work do not establish or imply international recognition.
fsa20002009-04-09 04:07:10
回复:NSC EB1b 140 RFE 求助
NSCEB1b140RFE2009-04-09 04:56:09
回复:回复:NSC EB1b 140 RFE 求助