Last week, i sent back the photo identification requested for I-485.
Today, I received another RFE. Apparently, they made a mistake.
My case is EB2-NIW. Now they requested evidence for EB2 sponsored by permanent employer. Please give suggestions how to answer the letter. If possible, please recommend someone to review my reply letter and the draft letter for my current program. I will pay the reasonable fee for the review.
The following is the letter from Nebraska.
Your response to the Service request for photo identification was received on March 30, 2009. However, it is apparent that you have moved to Alabama since filling your adjustment application in July of 2007.
Therefore, submit a currently dated letter from your original Form I-140 employer which addresses this discrepancy. The letter should also indicate whether the terms and conditions of your employment-based visa petition (or labor certification) continue to exist.
IMPORTANT: if you will no longer be employed by the original Form I-140 petitioner, you may still be eligible to adjust your status under the visa portability provisions of section 106169; of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century ACT (AC21), Public Law 106-313. This legislation permits certain adjustment applications to change employers without filing a new immigrant visa petition, provided they are:
The beneficiary of an immigrant petition approved under section 204(a)(1)(F) of the Act (previously 204(1)(1)(D)), AND
The application for adjustment has been pending for more than 180 days, AND
The new permanent position is in the same or similar occupational classification as the original employment.
If you now claim such eligibility, submit a letter from your new permanent employer, describing your present job duties and position in the organization, your proffered position (if different from you current one), the date you began employment and the offered salary or wage. This letter must be in the original and signed by an executive or officer of the organization who is authorized to make or confirm an offer of permanent employment. The letter should also indicate whether the terms and conditions of your employment-based visa petition (or labor certification) continue to exist.