alaazz2009-04-26 14:06:01

我去年10月给NE簃民中心递交的NIW申请,4月8号他们 寄出了RFE信。当时我做的是GIS和水土保持的博士后,今年一月我转到TX做TENURE TRACK的教职,还是GIS和水文行业。从博士期间到递交NIW,做过USFS和NASA的项目,有两个软件在行业内有很多人使用,但一共只有一篇期刊文章(第一作者)和一篇会议文章发表。当时还有两篇期刊文章被接受,今年年初正式发表(至今还没有被引用)。

1) NE还是给了我很长时间做RFE(7.1.2009), 请问这是正常情况吗?
2) 对第一段括号中的话怎么理解?

做博士后时对身份很紧张,所以在文章不强的情况下递交了NIW。再过几个月,我可以通过学校递工作based EB2 或EB1,还有就是我听说TX移民中心会松一点,我如果撤回上一个NIW申请,再向TX移民中心递一份基于目前情况的NIW,会好一点么?但这个撤回申请会不会有很大的负面影响?

Additional evidence is requested to evaluate eligibility for a national interest waiver pursuant to the tests established in Matter of New York State Department of Transportation, 22 I&N Dec. 215 (Please note: the evidence already submitted demonstrates that the proposed research employment has substantial intrinsic merit and would be national in scope).

Please submit copies of published articles by other researchers citing or otherwise recognizing the self-petitioner’s or beneficiary’s research and/or contributions. Please highlight the portion of the paper that references the self-petitioner or beneficiary’s work and highlight his or her name in the bibliography, references or “works cited” section. It is not necessary to submit articles that are self-referencing; i.e. written by the petitioner/beneficiary or his/her collaborators. In the alternative, you may also submit printouts of search results from such websites as SciFinder and Google Scholar, just to name two. Please note that any such printout must contain the title, authors, and publication information for both the cited and citing article. Please cross out self-referencing items.

Please note that you must establish eligibility at the time of filing this petition. Therefore, papers that are “under preparation” or have been accepted but not published as of the date of filing this petition have no bearing on these proceedings.

You must establish you have a past record of specific prior achievement that justifies projections of future benefit to the national interest. You must establish, in some capacity, your ability to serve the national interest to a substantially greater extent than the majority of your colleagues. You must demonstrate to some degree your influence on your field of employment as a whole.

Please do not resubmit any evidence sent with the original instant petition as the record have been reviewed in its entirety.
penghuaGC2009-04-26 14:56:57
回复:NIW RFE 求救,请大家帮忙,非常感谢
fsa20002009-04-26 17:55:54
回复:NIW RFE 求救,请大家帮忙,非常感谢