snowmountain2004-09-09 07:04:21
Sorry, bother you again. My situation:I will graduate soon, my wife want his sister visit us and stay maybe one month. Could we use this reason to help her apply for Visa. And what documents do we need to provide. Thanks a lot.

Question: Who should write the invitation and bank statement. Is me or my wife?
kogikan2004-09-09 07:15:03
Man! With English like this,
snowmounta2004-09-09 07:33:57
haha, really good english!
gkls2004-09-09 16:50:31
ha,excellent english yourself
范毅禹____2004-09-09 18:08:12
回复:ha,excellent english yourse
daffy2004-09-09 19:06:11
you need to write the