fanghj20092009-06-18 03:24:24
今天刚接到律师的email, 知道RFE所要求的材料。 原文如下:

“ Please Submit a five-year certification of good conduct/police clearance from your local law enforcement agency, such as the Police Departmentriff's office from the cities in the United States where you have resided. Submit a copy of all arrest records, indictments(if applicable), and a document showing final disposition of each case. Court clearances and third party public access company clearances are not accepatable. If you have resided in multiple cities during the past 5 years, you must obtain a clearance from each local police department..."

1. 过去五年,我在3个城市呆过。我必需要亲自去每个城市警察局去获得certification么?或者说我只要打电话给他们,告诉他们我的信息,他们会把certification寄给我?具体过程怎么操作?
2. 我因speeding吃过ticket,不过是在其他州,会有什么影响么?
3. 我现在还有一个citation,是有关闯红灯的,准备9月份上庭,不知道会不会影响到我的记录。
4. 在板上没有找到有关此类RFE,不知道你和大虾们见过类似的RFE没有?怎么处理最好? 除了certifications,我还需要注意什么?


pjiang2009-06-18 14:58:51
回复:请教皮匠老师&大虾们:有关RFE补充Good Conduct/Police Clearance