vicggcs2009-07-10 18:21:29
我今天才接到ref,只有10几天的时间回复。请大家帮我看看该怎样回复。我是学校的美国律师帮申请的,什么都要靠自己弄,真是一点头绪都 没有,恳请大家帮我出出主意。

1. Published materials in professional publications written by others about the beneficiary’s work in the academic field (mere reference to the beneficiary’s work or inclusion of the benediciary’s publications。In bibligraphies or footnotes is insufficient) such materials shall include the title, date, and the Author of the materials, and any necessary translations).

2.Documentation of how the beneficiary’s research and publications have impacted her field and how has the beneficiary’s research and publications led to new discoveries or new avenues of the research(independent researchers)。
3. Documents from the authors of the letters of reference, citing secific examples of how the beneficiary’s research has influenced their research。

4. Examples of how the beneficiary’s nineteen publications have influenced her field.
有一篇第一作者的文章是2007年most-cited paper。有三篇第一作者的文章4次被评为hot paper。可以用来恢复这一点吗?
5. Document of the beneficiary’s receipt of major prize or awards for outstandingg achievement in theacademic field.
我一篇文章去年被评为best paper award(但我的署名非常靠后),可以claim吗?另外,我在国内时曾获得一个学会的优秀青年会议论文奖,得到5000RMB做奖励,可以作为一个证明回复者一项吗?
6. Evidence of the international recognition for the beneficiary as an outstanding researcher.
kuaileba2009-07-10 18:59:54
回复:140 ref, 请大家帮我看看怎么回答,时间紧,非常着急,非常感谢!
vicggcs2009-07-10 19:51:01
4个土豆2009-07-10 21:30:50
没背景交待, 如何帮你?
hanxiaoau2009-07-11 19:52:26
回复:140 ref, 请大家帮我看看怎么回答,时间紧,非常着急,非常感谢!
fsa20002009-07-12 17:07:04
回复:140 ref, 请大家帮我看看怎么回答,时间紧,非常着急,非常感谢!