请问pijiang老师,485 ref 中写道:submit a currently dated letter or other evidence from your intended permanent employer that indicates your current position.....老板给出了一封信证明了现在工作(仍然在同一大学工作),所以就把老板信和体检表邮回去了。但邮走后又看pijiang老师的博客写也可以提交最近三个月的paystubs, w-2, 和发表的文章。请问我还需要再提交这些东西吗。如果我邮两次。移民局会不会算我没有一次性提交所有材料。因为移民局的信还写道:“you must submit all of the evidence at one time. Submission of only part of the evidence requested will be considered a request for a decision based upon the record.正处在矛盾中。老板信和体检表今天刚邮走,不知道是不是应该邮还是不邮paystubs, w-2, papers.谢谢