mei2006mei2009-07-24 23:51:28
我在3年前递交了I-130给我的弟弟, 就是兄弟姐妹之间移民的担保,我今天刚刚收到Department of Homeland Security--US Citizenship and Immigration Services 的信, 他们说: The above petition has been approved. we have sent the original visa petition to the Department of State National Visa Center (NVC) , NVC processes all approved immigrant isa petitions that need consular action. it also determines which consular post is the appropriate consulate to complete Visa processing .NVC will then forward the approved petition to that consulate.
The NVC will contact the person for whom you are petitioning ( Beneficiary) concerning further immigrant Visa processing steps.
我的问题是: 当他们收到了这些资料, 并如实填写,签字,寄回, 那要等多长时间就会得到安排到广州领事馆去移民签证??我只需要告诉我这大概的时间, 就行!!
pjiang2009-07-27 14:57:26