snowflying2009-08-30 19:05:09


刚拿到140 approvel, 公司ask for relocate to east coast(can't stay in the company if not relocate),找到一个新的工作,请问:

我去哪个border 拿到新TN 的可能性大?

I am in North Carlifornia bay area.

如果被拒,以加拿大护照入境,可以入关吗? 担心一旦申请 New TN for new company got reject, can't reenter USA.

申请New TN after I-140 approved, 可行吗?

Thanks in advance, appreciated!

8632112009-08-30 19:39:01
回复:紧急求助- Apply New TN after 140-approved?Appreicated!
风再起时20082009-08-30 20:50:18
回复:紧急求助- Apply New TN after 140-approved?Appreicated!
映山红五号2009-08-30 21:18:59
I-140 = Immigration desire
8632112009-08-30 23:16:14
回复:I-140 = Immigration desire
consultant902009-08-31 04:43:48
回复:紧急求助- Apply New TN after 140-approved?Appreicated!
consultant902009-08-31 04:57:53
回复:回复:紧急求助- Apply New TN after 140-approved?Appreicated!
snowflying2009-08-31 07:01:42
回复:回复:回复:紧急求助- Apply New TN after 140-approved?Appreicated!
consultant902009-08-31 13:11:58
回复:回复:回复:回复:紧急求助- Apply New TN after 140-approved?Appreicated!
siyatoua2009-08-31 19:13:02
映山红五号is right. I-140 approval means nothing, but submit 485 will
snowflying2009-08-31 19:55:19
Thank you so much to all for the reply. siyatoua, I send you a
映山红五号2009-09-01 01:18:21
863211 please read this - a lawyer may be wrong!
8632112009-09-01 02:14:58
回复:863211 please read this - a lawyer may be wrong!