meadows2009-09-13 19:07:01
我DIY的EB1a和NIW 去年下半年交到TSC,今年5月1号被一起转到NSC,今天收到EB1a的

Additional evidence is requried in order to evaluate eligibility for a
national interest waiver pursuant to the tests established in Matter of New
York Dept of Transportation, 22I&N Dec. 215 (Comm. 1998). (Please note: the
evidence already submitted demonstrates that the proposed employment has
substantial intrinsic merit).

Please submit documentary evidence to establish that the benefits of your
proposed employment with XYZ Company will be national in scope.

Please submit documentary evidence to establish that you have a past record
of specific prior achievement that justifies projections of future benefit
to the national interest. You must establish, in some capacity, your ability
to serve the national interest to a substantially greater extent than the
majority of your peers. You must demonstrate, to some degree, your influence
on your field of employment as a whole.

我查了一下, 这个New York Dept of Transportation, 22I&N Dec. 215 (Comm. 1998) 是关于NIW的。我觉得有两种可能,
1. IO 看的是我的EB1a材料,却当成了NIW来审核,当然发现材料里没有任何和NIW相关

2. IO看的是NIW材料,想发一个关于National interest的RFE,结果发到了EB1a case

我仔细检查,发现这个receipt number确实是EB1a的。 但不管怎样,这个RFE我该怎样
一看和RFE 的National Interest没有任何关系,直接就据了。另一种是将错就错,就
把NIW的petition letter摘要加上NIW的推荐信交上去,看IO会不会也将错就错把EB1a



(BTW, 在问了一下,得到的建议是就RFE问什么就答什么;不过还是想借文学城的人气再问一下)
SureUcan2009-09-15 23:51:23